Maximum Community’s


Our Community Development Services are dedicated to fostering skill development and enhancing independence for individuals with disabilities in their journey towards community integration. Our comprehensive services encompass transportation to and from various activities, coupled with opportunities for our staff to train individuals on preferred transportation routes. Each person we serve receives a personalized activity schedule tailored to their preferences, interests, and choices, fostering seamless integration and access to the community. We diligently update individual activity calendars quarterly or as needed. Our committed Direct Support Professionals ensure accurate and up-to-date activity plans, aligning them with the individual’s actual experiences.

The diverse activities offered through our CDS program include :
  • Volunteering with non-profit organizations aligned with our mission
  • Travel training
  • Personal care assistance in the community
  • Participation in paid or unpaid internships
  • engagement in activities that promote integration, inclusion, and the exploration of potential employment paths
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